Terms and conditions of use

Terms and conditions of use

These terms and conditions (hereinafter “Terms and Conditions of Use”) govern the terms and conditions for access to and use of the Fiorentini platforms/portals (hereinafter “Portal”) and shall apply to all uses, as well as to its content, the information, the recommendations and/or the services provided by Pietro Fiorentini DB India Private Limited (hereinafter “Seller”) to the customer (hereinafter “Customer”) inside the website.

Access to and use of Portal shall be subject to acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Protection of intellectual property

The Pietro Fiorentini platforms/portals and all their content, including but not limited to, logos, icons, brands, text, graphics, photographs, images, moving images, audio, illustrations, technical and commercial information, and software (hereinafter “Portal Content”), are and shall remain the exclusive property of the Seller. The Customer shall be authorised to view, reproduce, print and download documents or other materials, including audio and video, present in the Portal exclusively for personal use, for information and not for commercial use. In any case, the Customer may not modify, copy, distribute, send, reproduce, publish, license, use for the creation of other applications, transfer or sell the Portal Content.

Non-disclosure and Confidentiality

The Customer acknowledges that all information of which they will become aware during use of the Portal and the Portal Content is confidential and reserved and undertakes to ensure that they and their associates and employees do not use it and disclose it to third parties, in any way and by any means.

Disclaimer of guarantees

The Seller does not guarantee that the Portal Content is free of errors nor that the products offered are continuously available. The Seller does not make any statements nor does it provide any guarantee with regard to the use of the Content in terms of correctness, accuracy, appropriateness, usefulness, precision, reliability or other.

The Seller shall not be liable if, due to an error attributable to a wrong choice by the Customer, the goods purchased by the Customer through the Portal are unsuitable for their intended use.


For all clarifications or requests of assistance regarding the use of PF DB, the Customer may address the Seller’s internal reference contact by calling +91-8799992490 (Mon-Fri 09:00 am – 05:00 pm)

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by Indian law. All disputes resulting from these Terms and Conditions of Use shall be settled through arbitration pursuant to the Regulations of the Arbitration Chamber of Pune, by a single arbitrator, appointed in compliance with said Regulations. Seat of arbitration: Pune.

Protection of the Customer’s data pursuant to (It.) Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30.6.2003 (as amended) and Regulation (EU) 679/2016.

All data of the Customer acquired for registration to the Portal or when it is used by the Customer will be processed and stored by the Seller on paper, electronic files or magnetic media and will be used exclusively for the purpose for which they were collected.

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